Plasnewydd Primary School

Plasnewydd Primary School

Together we achieve

Welcome to Dosbarth Aur

Long Ago and Far Away

Spring Term theme is ‘Long Ago and Far Away’

We shall be discovering key events primarily in the Stuart period of history. Themes such as causes of conflict and exploration as well as events like the Great Fire of London and The Great Plague. Art from that time period will be explored too.

In Science, we will be exploring the human circulation system. Dance will include own compositions, including for St. David's Day. Pupils will be creating their own audiobooks and podcasts this term.

There will be activities linked specifically to Year 6, in terms of transition so keep your eyes and ears peeled.

Have a great Spring Term everyone!

Please remember to bring your reading book into school by Wednesday with a signed comment in the yellow reading record. As your child moves further along the reading scheme, books take longer to read. So even if your child hasn’t finished the book, please write a comment so we know they are reading regularly at home.

Other activities to support learning are on: Hwb, Active Learn, Prodigy and Oxford Owl. Children have their own personal login details.


Active Learn-

Prodigy- Prodigy

Oxford Owl- Oxford Owl




Our Gallery!   Our Gallery!   Our Gallery!   Our Gallery! 


Designing and making air-powered rockets

We tested an air rocket to look at how it worked, using the original rockets base and air pump. We had to measure the length and circumference of the original rocket in order todesign and make our own.

We had three attempts to test out our rockets with the aim to get it to travel as far as possible. With each attempt, we had to measure the distance and then decide how we could improve it.

Some groups did indeed manage to launch their rockets further with each successive attempt. However, many groups also realised that their original design was the best.